Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Personal time Management. Not an easy thing.

Do you ever feel like a piece of lint at times?  Not meaning that to be bad, but a little piece of fuzz floating around.  You never know where you're going to land and you hope its a good place.

I'm at that stage.  I'm floating around wondering where I should land to work on 'A have to do' on my list.  When it comes to organization and scheduling, I suck.  It would be easier for me to have someone else write down on a piece of paper the things I need to do on a daily basis then me.  Strange, right?

My brain gets clouded with too much stuff.  I can go weeks with out writing a word, then on one day, I'll come up with an idea, sit down and write for hours and sometimes days.  The bad part is, nothing else gets done.

Anyone else run into problems with personal time management?


  1. Interesting topic. I especially enjoyed the introductory paragraph.

    Thank you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Daron. I hope your day runs smooth. :)

  2. Yep. Managing my time takes a bit of time. If I have things written down, that helps.

    1. The problem is is getting the pen in my hand and paper to write on. Lol.

  3. Same here. I start on some sewing projects and nothing gets done. I decide to work on some blog post ideas to the extent that other things don't get done. I think I am going to have to take a blog break and get some of my sewing projects done. ha ha

    1. Funny Kathryn and I do understand all the way. I got a few half finished sewing projects I need to get to too.

  4. Yep! Definitely can relate...too many 'ideas' still hanging around in drafts :-)

  5. Jeanette- Being a stay at home dad, I'm finding less and less time I can devote to the writing and reading that I had loved to do when I had so much more time to do it. But the voice in my head saying: "Well, what're you going to write about, then?" or "Can you, really write all that?"

    Now when I do write, since I have a wife and family, I have the "husbandly guilt" where if I hide away to write or something, I feel bad and like I should un-hide myself so I can help my wife out more. How do you deal with that? Especially if you aren't an author with a regular income stream from your writing, yet?

    I feel the same way when I hide away to record calls for the podcast I host, too.

    1. I understand Mike and I left a comment on the Google site.
