Friday, April 12, 2013

A to Z L Country Nature Pictures

Today (okay tonight.  I worked 12 hours today) is L for Libya.

 Wow is all I can say.  There is beauty all around where you least expect it.


  1. Sorry about your work situation - 12 hours is too much. I'm looking at the pics and thinking, "Hey,wait a minute. Something's fishy." I live in the neighboring country of Egypt, and those desert and sky pics have definitely been airbrushed and colorized 'cause I'm looking out my window and the desert and sky look nothing like that. The desert is light beige and the sky very pale blue and almost no clouds ever. It's sunshine about 350 days a year here, and Libya's got to be the same...Just sayin'.
    Wishing you a less stressful work week. :-)

    1. I'm not surprised if they were. I looked on the countries travel hot spot photos and that is what I got. But it's still nice to see what it could be like, eh? :)

  2. I nominated you for a Liebster award! Care to participate? Details here:
    Ruby Wilbur

    1. I've already been awarded that, but thank you for thinking of me. I'm on hold until May for doing anymore posting, etc.

  3. Those are some gorgeous pictures! Still not sure I'd want to visit though.

    Best of luck with the A to Z challenge,
