Friday, October 4, 2013

It's Friday

It's Friday.  What are your week-end plans?

Mine of course is busy with the last home football game tonight.  I have two boys in the marching band and got to see their performance.

Then all day Saturday is booked with Marching Band Competition.  My oldest is in Drama and they have a big thing going on in Boise Saturday night.  My youngest will be playing with friends all day.

I'm hoping in the mean time when I get a break I can write.  I'm working on my second book changing a few actions and adding more to make it longer.

Send me a note so I know I'm not the only one doing to many things all at the same time. Lol.


  1. I don't have any plans that I know of so I'll be home most of the week end. Lots of blogging and stuff like that. An ideal weekend at home.

    Tossing It Out

    1. I'll trade you places. he he he Have a great one.

  2. I'm not doing it anymore but my kids sure are and it is all consuming leaving no time for a restful, pleasant weekend. I think it's gotten way out of hand.
