Sunday, October 14, 2012


Yep, this blog has been dead.  Or, I've been way to busy to post anything.  It's Halloween and I wanted to share some stories I wrote in my high school English class.  Some of them where differently Halloweenish.

Arms hanging out of the cupboard etc. (Okay, I was a little morbid in my youth and loved watching scarey shows.  They made me laugh)  But sad to say, I haven't found them yet, or better for you so you don't have to read them.

Normal life's pressure and demands have stepped in front and pushed me in different ways instead of writing.  It makes me feel empty.

Happy Halloween and Happy Harvest.

1 comment:

  1. Jeanette, get that zip back into your writing! If you don't find the stories, write a new you can come up with a quick post that would rattle the bones! Happy Halloween!
