Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A to Z Challenge T Day

Today is T day.  We will start off with Tallinn, Estonia

Estonia is south of Finland.  It is full of history and wonderful sights to see.
This magnificent northern Baroque palace was built by Peter the Great for his wife, Catherine I, in 1718.
(Also called the Kadriorg Palace)

This castle has a root for my family.  On tour my mom missed an unmarked step, tripped, and ran into the marble square that held the replica of Venus Demilo's bust and fractured her shoulder.  She barely missed her head.  It was a blessing she only had to have her should rebuild. (She is doing great and can use her arm.)

I liked the tree on the wall.

This is in the upper part of Tallinn.

Next is Tennessee

A cabin deep in the mountains.

A pretty water fall.

                       More of Tennessee's mountain beauty.


  1. Hi Jeanette,
    I couldn't work out how to message you privately, so sorry about doing it this way. Just letting you know (if my comment will post) that I have unsubscribed to your blog. But I will still be following your progress :) I just need to reduce the number of emails coming into my box! At the moment I have over 200 emails, and almost 80 unread ones. I have enjoyed your walk through the alphabet, and will still pop in to see you. And Blogspot drives me nuts trying to post comments. More than 90% of my comments I give up on because I can't get through. So that's why you probably haven't heard from me. But I will persist with this message, because I want you to know that I am still following you :)

    1. I sent you a note through google. I hope you got it.
